Why does the Doubloon token exist in Galleon DAO?
The Galleon DAO is controlled by DOUBLOON token holders who participate in voting on off-chain proposals that impact governance within the Galleon product ecosystem. Governance Unlike commonly used governance voting models that can be cumbersome and slow, Galleon aims to be a fast-paced, aggressive and governance streamlined DAO.
The mechanism that enables this is a novel approach to governance where development and initiatives are not voted in favour to continue, but voted to cease - this is called Optimistic Governance. This allows Galleon to execute new products efficiently and bring strategies to users at a pace that aligns with the rapidly changing market, avoiding no issue of missing governance quorum.

DOUBLOON launched as a simple ERC-20 governance token initially, but Galleon is keen to further experiment with token utility as the project progresses.
- Funding DAO contributors. Galleon stays nimble with contributor count, acting heavily in favour of full-time core contributors in contrast to large working groups of part-time members. We will leverage wider community contributors through paid bounties and grants with clear outcomes.
- Revenue from structured products is initially accrued back to the DAO treasury under governance control, later down the line we are very interested in exploring fee-sharing utility for DOUBLOON holders, but only after achieving significant growth where the revenue makes sense.
- Product incentivisation schemes, grants & bounties. Incentivisation will be focused on long-tail sticky growth (minting Sets, development bounties, partnerships, bootstrapping product liquidity).
- DOUBLOON holders have the ability to shape how the DAO treasury funds are spent by influencing snapshot votes proposed by the core team.
✅ Seed Tokenomics
Max Supply: 100M
✅ DOUBLOON Distribution
- 65% Community owned DAO treasury
- 20% Investors
- 15% Galleon Core Team
✅ Initial Circulating Supply (20%)
- 10% Community owned DAO treasury
- 5% Treasury Bootstrapping Event
- 5% Airdrop to incentivise community engagement